
Super SSH writeup - Pico CTF ( General skills )

Description : Using a Secure Shell (SSH) is going to be pretty important. Additional details will be available after launching your challenge instance.

Solution -

Step 1: Launch the instance - Once you begin the challenge, additional information becomes available, including the necessary SSH details:

  • Username
  • Host address (IP)
  • Port number
  • Password

These details are required to establish an SSH connection with the remote server. Take note of them as they will be used in the next step.

Step 2: Construct the command - Using the provided SSH information, we now need to construct the SSH command to initiate a secure connection to the host.

Code bash
ssh username@host -p port

Code bash
ssh ctf-player@picoctf.net -p 60601

Once connected, the server immediately displays the flag in the terminal before closing the connection. Make sure to note down the flag.
Super ssh pico ctf solution image

Flag is - picoCTF{s3cur3_c0nn3ct10n_8306c99d}