

Task 1 - What is the other activity made by the user glitch aside from the ListObject action?

  • To find other activities I used following command jq -r '.Records[] | select(.eventSource == "s3.amazonaws.com" and .requestParameters.bucketName=="wareville-care4wares" and .userIdentity.userName == "glitch") | .eventName' cloudtrail_log.json
    listing all the activity of the user glitch

Answer 👉 PutObject

Task 2 - What is the source IP related to the S3 bucket activities of the user glitch?

jq -r '.Records[] | select(.userIdentity.userName == "glitch") | .sourceIPAddress' cloudtrail_log.json

Answer 👉

Task 3 - Based on the eventSource field, what AWS service generates the ConsoleLogin event?

jq -r '.Records[] | select(.eventName == "ConsoleLogin") | .eventSource' cloudtrail_log.json

Answer 👉 signin.amazonaws.com

Task 4 - When did the anomalous user trigger the ConsoleLogin event?

jq -r '.Records[] | select(.eventName == "ConsoleLogin") | .userIdentity.userName +" " + .eventTime' cloudtrail_log.json

Answer 👉 2024-11-28T15:21:54Z

Task 5 - What was the name of the user that was created by the mcskidy user?

jq -r '.Records[] | select(.eventName == "CreateLoginProfile") ' cloudtrail_log.json

Answer 👉 glitch

Task 6 - What type of access was assigned to the anomalous user?

jq -r '.Records[] | select(.eventName == "AttachUserPolicy")' cloudtrail_log.json

Answer 👉 AdministratorAccess

Task 7 - Which IP does Mayor Malware typically use to log into AWS?

jq -r '.Records[] | select(.userIdentity.userName=="mayor_malware") | .sourceIPAddress' cloudtrail_log.json

Answer 👉

Task 8 - What is McSkidy's actual IP address?

jq -r '.Records[] | select(.userIdentity.userName=="mcskidy") | .sourceIPAddress' cloudtrail_log.json

Answer 👉

Task 9 - What is the bank account number owned by Mayor Malware?

grep -i "mayor malware" rds.log

Answer 👉 2394 6912 7723 1294

Task 10 - Want to learn more about log analysis and how to interpret logs from different sources? Check out the Log Universe room!


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