
Day 5: SOC-mas XX-what-ee?

Task 1 - What is the flag discovered after navigating through the wishes?

  • Visit the provided ip address in browser. There is a website hosted with the name of "WishVille".
  • Open burp suite and capturing the web requests.
  • On the hompage of the website there are three products. Click on View button of any product.
    WareVille products page
  • On the next page there is an option for add that item into wishlist. Click on " Add to wishlist " button to add that item into wishlist.
    WareVille product add to wishlist
  • Now go the Cart by clicking on cart from top menu. Now you can see that item which you had added into wishlist. Click on " Proceed to checkout " button.
    WareVille product checkout
  • Oh gosh!! It redirects into another checkout completion page. Fill some details and click on " Complete checkout " button.
    WareVille product checkout completion
  • My wish is saved successful. I hope I would get my dream wish.
    Wish save informations
  • Now open burp suite and check for the request /wishlist.php in http history. You can see that it is a post request containig some xml data in its header.
    Burp intercepted rewuest
  • Add fillowing code in starting of xml <!--?xml version="1.0" ?--> <!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY data SYSTEM "/etc/hosts"> ]> and &data; into product. It would read the file from /etc/hosts as data entity. And you can use &data to get its value.
    burp request custom xml injection
  • Now we have to read the wishes, and we can read every wishes by using external entity. To read the wishes , read the files located at "/var/www/html/wishes/wish_1.txt"
    reading wishes using external entity
  • Send the request into intruder using Ctrl+i or Right click + Send to intruder.
    1. Goto intruder tab
    2. Select the number which is into the location of xml code.
    3. Click on add ยง
    4. Change the payload type to Number
    5. Set From = 1
    6. Set to = 20
    7. Click on start attack
    Preparing intrude to brute force wishes
  • Check the length of responses. There is a different response lenght on payload 15. Check the actual response and get the flag out.

Answer ๐Ÿ‘‰ THM{Brut3f0rc1n6_mY_w4y}

Task 2 - What is the flag seen on the possible proof of sabotage?


There is a CHANGELOG file that contains the logs of changes ot the website. Access the changelog to get the flag out.

changelog of the website

Answer ๐Ÿ‘‰ THM{m4y0r_m4lw4r3_b4ckd00rs}

Task 3 - If you want to learn more about the XXE injection attack, check out the XXE room!


No Answer Needed

Task 4 - Following McSkidy's advice, Software recently hardened the server. It used to have many unneeded open ports, but not anymore. Not that this matters in any way.


No Answer Needed