Verify Writeup - Pico CTF Challenge Solved
Description : People keep trying to trick my players with imitation flags. I want to make sure they get the real thing! I'm going to provide the SHA-256 hash and a decrypt script to help you know that my flags are legitimate.
(Additional details will be available after launching your challenge instance.)
Solution : The challenge looks like below, Click on Launch Instance to start the challange.

After starting the challange, it gives more information for connection to the machine using ssh

- Start a terminal and run the given ssh command to coonect to the remote machine.
- In my case, command was ssh -p 65315
- Syntax :
- ssh ⟶ tool name.
- -p ⟶ flag for port.
- 65315 ⟶ port number.
- ctf-player ⟶ user.
- ⟶ host.
- It will ask for connection confirmation, type yes and then enter

● Listing files and directories of current directory. There are 2 files and 1 directory.

● Checksum have following content (sha256sum) :

● The files directory having multiple files 😓

- Now we have to find that file whose hash is given in previous file.
- Using grep command we can do it. Using command sha256sum files/* | grep -i "b09c99*"
- Syntax :
- sha256sum ⟶ tool for calculating sha256 hash of a file.
- files/* ⟶ * for all the files in files directory.
- | ⟶ For sending the output of each file to grep.
- grep ⟶ tool for seaching a string in given input.
- -i ⟶ flag for case insensitively.
- "b09c99*" ⟶ A regex for the checksum.
- Boom 💣 , we got the file name 451fd69b

- Now we have to pass that file to the decrypt script for verification.
- files/451fd69b

● Finally, we got the flag : picoCTF{trust_but_verify_451fd69b}