Python - Installation and Setup
There are various ways to install and setup python within a system. Each of these installation have its own usecases. Some of the ways are following.
Official website
Using python official website to download the installer and manually install it. Download page, Setup documentation
Using package managers
You can install python using the package manager of your OS. For example you can use :
- Windows : winget, choco
- MacOS : brew install python
- Linux : apt install python3, yum install python3
- Conda : Conda install python
- Pyenv : Used to install and manage different versions of Python
Some OS now comes with preinstalled python inint. Like: Linux and MacOS
Virtual environment
Virtual environments are used to install python packages and dependencies seperatly from the globally installed one. Which helps to run defferent versions of codes/libraries seperatly isloted within the same system. It can be achieve using : venv, virtualenv, conda, poetry, pyenv
Development Environments
Development Environments are used to develop and test python script using an environment and code editors. Like: VS Code, PyCharm, Jupyter, IDLE, Spyder.